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Forex Trading, Your Way

Trade major, minor and exotic FX pairs with tight spreads.

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Foreign Exchange Trading

Open and close positions in currency pairs that keep their finger on the pulse of global economies.

InstrumentLive SpreadBid PriceAsk Price
eur Flagusd FlagEURUSD Euro vs US Dollar
gbp Flagusd FlagGBPUSD Great Britain Pound vs US Dollar
usd Flagchf FlagUSDCHF US Dollar vs Swiss Franc
usd Flagjpy FlagUSDJPY US Dollar vs Japanese Yen
aud Flagusd FlagAUDUSD Australian Dollar vs US Dollar
cad Flagchf FlagCADCHF Canadian Dollar vs Swiss Franc
cad Flagjpy FlagCADJPY Canadian Dollar vs Japanese Yen
chf Flagjpy FlagCHFJPY Swiss Franc vs Japanese Yen
eur Flagaud FlagEURAUD Euro vs Australian Dollar
eur Flagcad FlagEURCAD Euro vs Canadian Dollar
eur Flagchf FlagEURCHF Euro vs Swiss Franc
eur Flaggbp FlagEURGBP Euro vs Great Britain Pound
eur Flagjpy FlagEURJPY Euro vs Japanese Yen
eur Flagnok FlagEURNOK Euro vs Norwegian Kroner
eur Flagsek FlagEURSEK Euro vs Swedish Krona
eur Flagnzd FlagEURNZD Euro vs New Zealand Dollar
aud Flagcad FlagAUDCAD Australian Dollar vs Canadian Dollar
eur Flagpln FlagEURPLN Euro vs Polish Zloty
eur Flagtry FlagEURTRY Euro vs Turkish Lira
gbp Flagaud FlagGBPAUD Great Britain Pound vs Australian Dollar
gbp Flagcad FlagGBPCAD Great Britain Pound vs Canadian Dollar
gbp Flagchf FlagGBPCHF Great Britain Pound vs Swiss Franc
gbp Flagjpy FlagGBPJPY Great Britain Pound vs Japanese Yen
gbp Flagnzd FlagGBPNZD Great Britan Pound vs New Zealand Dollar
aud Flagchf FlagAUDCHF Australian Dollar vs Swiss Franc
nok Flagsek FlagNOKSEK Norwegian Krone vs Swedish Krona
nzd Flagcad FlagNZDCAD New Zealand Dollar vs Canadian Dollar
nzd Flagchf FlagNZDCHF New Zealand Dollar vs Swiss Frank
nzd Flagjpy FlagNZDJPY New Zealand Dollar vs Japanese Yen
nzd Flagusd FlagNZDUSD New Zealand Dollar vs US Dollar
usd Flagsgd FlagUSDSGD US Dollar vs Singapore Dollar
sgd Flagjpy FlagSGDJPY Singapore Dollar vs Japanese Yen
usd Flagcad FlagUSDCAD US Dollar vs Canadian Dollar
aud Flagjpy FlagAUDJPY Australian Dollar vs Japanese Yen
usd Flagdkk FlagUSDDKK US Dollar vs Danish Krone
aud Flagnzd FlagAUDNZD Australian Dollar vs New Zealand Dollar
usd Flagmxn FlagUSDMXN US Dollar vs Mexican Peso
usd Flagnok FlagUSDNOK US Dollar vs Norwegian Kroner
usd Flagpln FlagUSDPLN US Dollar vs Polish Zloty
usd Flagsek FlagUSDSEK US Dollar vs Swedish Krona
usd Flagtry FlagUSDTRY US Dollar vs Turkish Lira
usd Flagcnh FlagUSDCNH US Dollar vs Chinese Renminbi
usd Flagzar FlagUSDZAR US Dollar vs South African Rand
eur Flagsgd FlagEURSGD Euro vs Singapore Dollar
eur Flagzar FlagEURZAR Euro vs South African Rand
gbp Flagnok FlagGBPNOK Great Britain Pound vs Norwegian Kroner
gbp Flagpln FlagGBPPLN Great Britain Pound vs Polish Zloty
gbp Flagsek FlagGBPSEK Great Britain Pound vs Swedish Krona
gbp Flagsgd FlagGBPSGD Great Britain Pound vs Singapore Dollar
nzd Flagsgd FlagNZDSGD New Zealand Dollar vs Singapore Dollar
usd Flagczk FlagUSDCZK US Dollar vs Czech Koruna
usd Flagbrl FlagUSDBRL US Dollar vs Brazilian Real
usd Flagcop FlagUSDCOP US Dollar vs Colombian Peso
usd Flagclp FlagUSDCLP US Dollar vs Chilean Peso

*The above prices are for indicative purposes only. Please log into MT4 to see the live trading conditions.

Traders stay with us. This is why:

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With spreads as low as 0.0 you make the most of any trading opportunities.

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Trading strategies including scalping, hedging, scaling & more are allowed.

What is Forex

The Foreign Exchange Market, in Short

The Forex market, in which Forex or FX stands for foreign exchange, is the largest, most liquid financial market in the world with a $6.6 trillion trade volume per day. It is a global, decentralized market in which different currencies get exchanged.

Due to the constant fluctuation in exchange rates, the market fluctuates as well. The majority of currency transactions in the forex market happens for speculative reasons as currency traders buy currencies they expect to sell at an increased price at some point in the future.

what is forex

We Offer More than just Forex Investing

Trade CFDs on multiple asset classes under a single account. Trade the black gold, metals, digital assets, or the stock markets.

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Trade WTI & Brent, the most actively traded commodities

How to Trade Forex?

We offer you CFD trading on Forex. CFD stands for “Contract for Difference” and these contracts allow you to speculate whether the prices of currency pairs will rise or fall.

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Best trading conditions on our live forex trading account types

Discover our range of trading accounts, each tailored to meet the specific requirements of various types of traders.


minimum deposit


Open account

USD EUR JPY GBP Account currency

NO Commission per side

1.5 pips Min Spread

Up to 1:3000 Leverage

0.01 lot Min. Trade Volume


minimum deposit


Open account

USD EUR JPY GBP Account currency

3$/lot Commission per side

0 pips Min Spread

Up to 1:3000 Leverage

0.01 lot Min. Trade Volume


minimum balance


Open account

USD EUR JPY GBP Account currency

$1.5/lot Commission per side

0 pips Min Spread

Up to 1:3000 Leverage

0.01 lot Min. Trade Volume

Invest with an Honest Broker

Open your account with us and trade CFDS on Forex, Stocks, Cryptos, Indices, Metals and Oil with advantages that can make a difference.

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