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usa presidents day 2025

Market Trading Hours Adjustment for USA Presidents Day

Trading Hours Affected by USA Presidents Day

In observance of USA Presidents Day on February 17th, our trading hours will be adjusted. We encourage you to consult the updated instrument tables on our website for specific schedule changes.

Normal trading hours will resume on February 18th.

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About USA Presidents Day

Presidents’ Day, officially Washington’s Birthday, is a federal holiday celebrated on the third Monday of February in the United States. It honors all U.S. presidents, although it is most closely associated with George Washington, the first president. Originally established in 1885 to recognize Washington’s birthday, the holiday was later consolidated with other presidential commemorations and became known as Presidents’ Day. It’s a time for many Americans to reflect on the history of the presidency and the individuals who have held the office, while also often serving as a day for retail sales and other commercial promotions.

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